Us with Connie and Andreas...where else but in a bakery!
scenery in between San Carlos and Cafayate
chatting with some motorcylists
view from our campsite outside of Angostaco
In our last blog we introduced our two friends Connie and Andreas. We, sadly, had to part ways in Cachi as they were heading on while Merilee and I were going to stay another day to rest, wash clothes and send emails. Well, we left Cachi and went towards Molinos and stayed the night just outside of town in a dried creek bed. Late in the morning we came upon two other cyclists and chatted with them for a while. All of a sudden a car pulled up and asked if we were Americans, and we answered a bit hesistantly ¨Yes.¨They then proceeded to tell us two Germans are cycling up and we could wait for them if we wish. Well, of course we waited and soon enough Connie and Andreas pulled up on their bicycles! Connie had gotten sick and they spent two nights in Molinos. Anyhow, we cycled with the two of them until we made it to Cafayate which is where we have to part ways for sure as they will be headed back north towards Salta and Merilee and I continuing our southerly route. Merilee and I were so happy to have cycling companions! It makes the trip that much more enjoyable. Connie and Andreas are kind and generous folk who share a love of wine and photography, of which there is plenty to taste and take shots of in this area of Argentina. They invited us to bottles of wine and cookies numerous times. They introduced Merilee and I to a new lunch meal of tunafish, ketchup and onion on french is quite tasty! Anyhow, this is a big BIG shoutout to Connie and Andreas for several lovely days traveling and getting to eachother together, and we wish the best for the rest of their trip and a safe journey back home! Thanks much!!!
Comment from an old entry - It was the pits having to bike baack UP to enter Chili!! Anyway, the mountains are gorgeous - so "rocky"!
They are beautiful and super steep! In hindsight it was worth´s easy to forget all the hard work sometimes!