Last time we blogged I knew I was forgetting something important, but I didn't remember it until after we were already a few miles down the road - my best friend since 2nd grade, Bre, is engaged!!! Her now-fiance proposed last weekend while they were snowshoeing in Sunriver. I am so happy for them - they are one of those couples that you just know have it in them to make it last and with aplomb.
Two days ago we set out on our second pilgrimage of the trip - In and Out Burger. We travelled through the burbs of Tucson and the U of A to hit up this fast food mecca. It didn't disappoint. It was so delicious that I even pixed Dave, a serious foodie if there ever were one, a photo of me with my cheeseburger :c)
Yesterday was definitely one of the most difficult, but beautiful, days of riding for me. We ascended out of the Tucson desert and into the grasslands. The difference in terrain was striking as reddish dirt and sand turned to sweeping hills of golden grasslands ringed with snowy mountains. We ended up just outside Sonoita at about 5000 feet, and it was cold. We camped in a 72,000 acre working land trust ranch, made dinner, and went to bed without brushing our teeth because the allure of the warmth of our sleeping bags was just too much. We woke up to frost covering the landscape and our tent and proceeded to make the first meal blunder of the trip. For anyone who was wondering, if you add flax meal to oatmeal you will end up with a bowl of cereal that looks and feels like snot. Eric kept laughing, and I had to sternly warn him several times that if he made ANY reference to the viscosity of the food that I wouldn't be able to continue eating it. Yeah, it was that bad!
So tonight we are lucky enough to be indoors. We made it to Sierra Vista, had a great experience at Sun n' Spokes bike shop, ate lunch, and continued on with the intention of finding a place to camp about 10 miles out of town. We had been fighting a brutal headwind for most of the day, though, so we weren't sure if we'd be able to go that far. Just then a scooter stopped and flagged us down. It was a fellow cyclist, and he offered us a place to stay for the night! John and his wife Pat have very generously offered up their sewing room, shower, dinner table and laundry room to us - what a beautiful gesture! I am always grateful for everyone who supports us along our journey whether than means a honk and a wave or a meal and a supply of hot water.
Hi Merilee! Doug just commented that he misses your help with the Sunday crossword. It was fun to read all your blog postings just now and catch up with your trip. Sounds like things are going well... aside from the pesky dampness. The cake episode cracked us up. Seattle has been pretty beautiful lately. We're starting a raised vegetable garden and rode to the Ballard market today via the Dutch Bike Co. where Joe is working now. Yup, he's back. Anyhow, just wanted to say hi and that we're thinking of ya. Hi to Eric too, and happy belated birthday.
ReplyDeleteRide safe,
Nancy and Doug.